Find and Open Review
You have several options for finding and opening a review:

You can get an overview of all your tasks on your Start Page: If you click on Home in the side navigation or Reviews if set up, a dashboard will open. The dashboard usually shows a widget for each role that shows the reviews in which you are participating in the respective role.
When you have found the review you are looking for, click on the name to open the review.
If the widget shows many reviews, narrow down the view using the filter menu at the top right of each widget or an entry in the Search field. Various filters are available in the widget:

The widget shows the reviews of which you are the owner. Use the filters to reduce the view to the reviews that match the respective description.
Filter |
Description |
Feedback incomplete |
Das Review ist in Bearbeitung und mindestens einer, aber nicht alle Prüfer haben abgestimmt. |
Feedback complete |
Alle Prüfer haben abgestimmt. |
Review in progress - no reviewers |
You are the owner of the review. The review is being processed, but no reviewers have been assigned yet. |
Waiting for new version |
You have requested a new version. |
Closed Reviews |
You have completed the review. |

This area shows the reviews in which you are participating as a reviewer. Use the filters to reduce the view to the reviews that match the respective description.
Filter |
Description |
My feedback required |
You have not yet voted. |
Waiting for feedback from others |
You have voted. We are still waiting for other reviewers to vote. |
Waiting for new version |
A new version has been requested for the review, but it has not yet been uploaded. |
Closed Reviews |
The review was completed by the owner. |

This area shows the reviews in which you are participating as a guest. Use the filters to reduce the view to the reviews that match the respective description.
Filter |
Description |
Review in progress |
The review is in progress and no feedback has been provided yet. |
Waiting for new version |
Reviews in the New version requested state, where the user is a guest of the latest version. |
Closed Reviews |
The review was completed by the owner. |

This area shows the reviews in which you are participating as an uploader. Use the filters to limit the view to the reviews that match the respective description.
Filter |
Description |
Waiting for feedback |
Das Review ist in Bearbeitung und es wurde noch kein Feedback abgegeben. |
New version requested from me |
A new version has been requested for the review and you as the uploader have not yet uploaded this new version. |
Closed Reviews |
The review was completed by the owner. |

The invitations and information to reviewers, guests and uploaders are sent at least as system notifications, if activated in your system also as e-mail. To call up the system notifications, click on the bell symbol in the header.
If you are invited to a review as a participant, you can click in the notification to open the review. The same applies if the notification was sent by e-mail.
We recommend that you manage the system notifications in the same way as your e-mails and delete them once you have processed the To Dos they contain.

Reviews are created in the context of a job and can be called up again in the job at any time, provided you have access permissions for the job. For further information, please refer to More documentation.
In the sidebar, click > Jobs > Search and search for the job.
Open the job.
Switch to the tab on which the asset is added.
At the asset, click > ⁝ > Open review or click on the small stack icon on the asset. This opens the current version.
You have opened the review.